Lessons from 2024 ...
... A Year of Questions and How We Respond There are years that question And years that answer Wrestling with the whys, The highs, the lows Reflecting on our past while seeking clarity, We find that questions beget more questions, As we confront the devastation of failure And the grace of redemption. Answers, once given, hold within them Seeds of hope and wholeness, Tools for survival and sustenance, Paths to follow and choices to make. Yet we cannot cling to answers as unchanging truths, For truth has its own weight and measure That shifts and evolves as we question and learn, And history will judge us not by our certainties But by our willingness to grow and change. In arrogance, we may believe we know what's right, But the test of our humanity lies in our capacity To listen, to empathize, to seek understanding Beyond the limits of our own experience. As we navigate the landscape of our lives, We must learn from our mistakes And resist the urg...